Sunday 15 May 2011

Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging

This blog will explore digital imaging and its benefits and disadvantages in relation to older models of cameras and images. It will also cover the meanings of software and hardware and the familiarities I have with them. I will discuss the ways in which occupational therapists can use digital imaging in their practice and provide an example of my own experiences. ENJOY!

"Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices" (Hardware, 2005). Hardware devices can be peripheral, external hardware devices that can be plugged into a computer or components, internal hardware parts of a computer. Below is a list of hardware devices in which I am familiar with and their category.
  • Hard drives - component
  • Motherboards - component
  • RAM - component
  • Monitor - peripheral
  • Keyboard - peripheral
  • Mouse - peripheral
  • Printer - peripheral
  • Scanner - peripheral
Hardware. (2005). Retrieved April 11, 2011, from Teach Terms:
"Software is a general term for the various types of programmes used to operate computers and related devices" (Doig, 1997).

Below are a list examples of software I am familiar with:
  • Microsoft Office
  • Disk defragmenters
  • Spyware
Doig, M. (1997, November 3). Software. Retrieved April 11, 2011, from

Digital Imaging
Digital Imaging is the creation of digital images, typically from a physical scene. I will provide three examples of the use of digital imaging and explain these. Firstly, capturing images on a digital camera enables the user to release the information on the camera in many ways. The camera stores the information where the user can get the photos printed off, save them to the computer or put them on the internet. This way the information on the camera is sent to a widespread community of people where everyone (usually just friends and family!) are able to enjoy the images taken! Secondly, a cool way in which movies are made is from photos put together to create a motion movie. This movie is put on you tube, in which billions of users have the opportunity to watch it. Putting movies and films on you tibe can educate people and spread information. Click this link to watch a cool short film taken from still images and made into a motion film. Lastly, another way to use imaging to provide information is through scanning documents and images onto a computer. Scanning a document or photo takes an image of the document and copies it onto the computer. From this, you are then able to save the information onto the computer, print it off, send it to a friend or put it on the internet. The information is then spread to a wider group of people.  

"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"
In relation to digital cameras this statement is not necessarily true. New generation digital cameras have many benefits in which, in fact, make them more superior than old film models. These benefits are listed below:
·         A digital camera doesn't require a roll of film. This means you don't have to buy film, drive to the store and wait for it to be developed.
·         You can take a lot more photos with a digital camera and print out only the ones you like. The number of pictures you can take with a film camera is limited to the number of exposures allowed on the film. If you want to take more pictures, you have to buy and load more rolls. Most of today's digital cameras enable you to take literally hundreds or even thousands of photos by simply adding an inexpensive add-on memory module.
Digital cameras eliminate this wasted expense.
·         You can preview your photos right on the camera or on your computer screen, then print only the ones you like and simply delete the rest!
·         You can print your photos yourself, either on an inexpensive ink-jet printer or a dedicated photo printer. No more trips to the developer or waiting for your pictures to come back.
·         The resolution (megapixels) of even the least expensive digital cameras is now high enough to allow you to take very high quality photos.
·         The prices of digital cameras have dropped to the point where you can buy a top of the line model for less than the cost of a quality film camera

Although there are many benefits, there are also a slight few disadvantages of digital cameras in comparisson to older film models. These include:
  • Digital requires greater battery consumption
  • Poor low-light performance
  • Potential equipment failures
  • Digital has a steeper learning curve
Because technology is every changing, older model film cameras will soon not be an option or for that matter, be available. Digital is, and will remain force, in the photo universe. This suggests that digital cameras will always be preference. That is unless, of course, new imaging technology is introduced.

Bourne, S. (2005). Digital photo guide. Retrieved April 11, 2011, from Flying Sam:

The advantages of digital cameras. (2003). Retrieved April 11, 2011, from RLROUSE directory and information resources:
With particular softwares etc, images are now becoming more and more manipulated. Because softwares such as 'photoshop' are a trendy activity and so easily accessible, many images are photoshopped without the persons consent. It is almost impossible to decipher if an image has been manipulated or not.
Tampering with original photos can change the meaning completly from what the image is suggesting. This link shows a range of photos that have been manipulated and explains the real meanings behind them. Manipulating photos, especially for the media, can release false messages or information of those involved.
Digital images taken are simply uploaded to the internet and onto social networking sites such as facebook and twitter. Sometimes images are taken of people without their consent and put on social networking sites. Social networking sites are a widespread group of people from all over the world. Putting images up without consent can breach a persons privacy, once an image is on the internet it is almost impossible to control.

Digital images can be used in occupational therapy as a communication tool. Non-verbal patients are able to communicate effectively by showing or looking at images and pointing to explain their wants/needs or just to communicate with another person. During my fieldwork two placement I had the opportunity to work with non-verbal patients. Each day I was present one client in particular was allowed to go on an outting. The client was given a choice of three to four options of where she wanted to go or the activity she wanted to do. She was given the photographs of the options and was able to point at her desired choice. This was an effective way as she was able to independantly make her own choices.

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